2023-11-11 - Today we presented our research at the SAMLA 95 conference in Atlanta. Despite the rain, we kept up our good spirits and had a lively and interesting scholarly dialogue! The ideas flowing at this session will be very helpful as I keep evolving my current research draft into a professional publication.
2023/3/23 - Today we hosted a webinar for the Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades (AEGS) on how graduate students can polish and elaborate their graduate work towards eventual publication. We had a great group of young scholars attend, and plenty of interesting questions were asked! Many commented on how useful a webinar such as this was for emerging scholars, so we will certainly have to do another event soon. Here are a few pictures from our zoom session.
2022/10/31 - Happy Halloween! Today I shared my research with several undergraduate students at UA's Faculty Research Showcase. It was great to talk to all of these new young scholars. Overcome the fear of research!
2022/10/22 - My latest paper “Justicia sangrienta: la función literario-legal de la efusión sanguínea en las novelas de María de Zayas” was presented at the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association's 71st Annual Conference, Greenville, South Carolina.
2022/3/4 - My latest paper “Corruption and cleansing: spiritual and bodily sanctions early modern moralistic treatises” was presented at the South Central Renaissance Conference. Due to ongoing COVID complications, it had to take place on Zoom. At least I was able to record it so it can be viewed after the fact.
2022/2/25 - The University of Alabama Languages Conference keeps going full steam, despite the COVID-related obstacles to gathering large groups of people for academic events. I chaired a panel on "Queer and Feminist Theory in Iberian Media Representations". Despite the lack of physical presence, the presentations enticed a lively conversation and interesting considerations about femininity, hegemony, and patriarcal society. Well done, everyone!
2022/1/28 - First in-person presentation since last year! Sadly the Omicron wave of COVID-19 complicated many research events, but we were able to hold the Southern Humanities Council conference in person. This presentation took place in Memphis, with a great audience that engaged deeply with the topic. I was glad to dialogue with all their questions, and they brought out new ideas about my new research on blood (or bleeding), identity creation, and gendered power (such as the implications of menstruation!).
2021/11/10 - After the publication of our “Developing Students’ Solidarity Disposition: A Case for Translation in Community-Based Service Learning” article in Foreign Language Annals my co-author Dr. Isabelle Drewelow and I were invited to participate in a talk at Harvard University. Because of the ongoing COVID complications, the panel had to take place in Zoom, but at least that means it can now be shared for public view after the fact!
2021/10/7 - It seemed like the pandemic could have subsided this fall, but with the Delta variant going around, my conferences for Fall 2021 sadly (but safely!) moved from a physical event to a virtual one. So, this week it was time for the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association's 70th Annual Conference. This time, I presented on how women, both victims and writers, dealt with the dangers of sexual violence in Spain during the 1600s.
2021/7/8 - Well, the pandemic is still going strong, although at least now we have vaccines to be safer. Thank you Pfizer! And with the Spring semester concluded, it was time to present on my research about service learning, my first non-literature related, pedagogy based piece. This presentation took place at the 103rd American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia. Conveniently, presenters were allowed to take our masks off (not the audience!) while we presented content, which made it a lot easier to project my voice to the whole room!
2020/11/14 - Despite the pandemic, this week the South Atlantic Modern Language Association's 92 conference still took place. And there I was, ready to present some material, even if virtually!
2020/2/1 - This past weekend was my first stay in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I presented my paper “Irreverent sexualities: religion, law and gendered immorality in Early Modern Spain” at the Southern Humanities Council conference, organized by a very warm and welcoming group of scholars. It was a great experience!
2019/10/19 - Enjoyed some wonderful western weather while presenting my paper "La palabra poética como herramienta patriarcal: el poder de la voz, el silencio y el género" at the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry conference in Irvine, California.
2019/7/13 - Successfully presented my paper "Cuando el honor es insuficiente: supresión de la voz femenina en la trilogía de honor de Calderón de la Barca" at the Association for Spanish & Portuguese Historical Studies 50th anniversary conference in Barcelona, Spain. This was an updated version of my previous paper on Calderón, edited with new ideas that I thought about after presenting the original material to a previous audience. I received some excellent questions, and with this paper delivery I think this paper is finally ready to be fleshed out into a full on article!
2019/4/11 - Successfully presented my paper "When honor is not enough: suppression of the feminine voice in Calderón de la Barca’s honor plays" at the South Central Renaissance Conference in Texas Tech University, Lubbock TX. The audience really seemed to like my paper and made lots of great and interesting questions!
2019/4/3 - Very happy to have been able to honor two of our 400-level students on their outstanding work throughout the past year. I see a bright future for both of them!
You can check out all of our award recepients for 2019 at this link.
You can check out all of our award recepients for 2019 at this link.
2019/1/1 - I finally have the social media pages on Facebook and Twitter ready for our Modern Languages and Classics department. Check them out, and be sure to follow and subscribe!
2018/11/3 - Participated in the SAMLA 90 conference this weekend in Birmingham. Great presentations and very interesting panels!
2018/10/10 - We're live on Facebook and Twitter at the Spanish section! It took a while to setup and start feeding content, but both pages are looking great. You can find us at http://www.facebook.com/UAspanish and http://www.twitter.com/UAspanish
2018/9/28 - Successfully presented my research this weekend at the "Voicing Gender in Hispanic Letters, Film, Theater and Other Media" conference organized by the Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades in Chicago, Illinois. It was a great experience!
2018/4/6 - We had a very successful Spanish Convention this year! More than 660 students came from all over the state and it was a great experience to organize it for the first time. Now on to iron out the few kinks from this year for a flawless convention in 2019.
2017/9/12 - This fall semester I was asked to do a guest lecture on photography, specifically food photography, for the EN 455 Advanced Studies in Writing class.
- 2017/7/29 - At the beginning of this fall semester, the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility interviewed me on the service learning courses I teach. Where my previous UA Teaching Hub blog post was a brief description of our experiences with service learning, this article goes more in-depth about the work that my students and I do. You can read the full text here.
- 2017/7/10 - During the summer I was approached by the UA Teaching Hub to write this brief blog post about the service learning courses focused on Spanish grammar and writing that I have been teaching at UA’s Department of Modern Languages and Classics. In these SP 356 grammar courses, I implement service-learning components focusing on English to Spanish translation that can serve the Hispanic population in Tuscaloosa.
Over the past few semesters, we have partnered with Druid City Garden Project, Good Samaritan Clinic and Turning Point, but more partners will be added to that list in the future as this service initiative grows.
- 2017/4/3 - As a board member for the local nonprofit Sassafras and its Chair on the Environmental Committee, I helped organize the Sassafras Beer Festival: an event open to the public where all raised funds go towards our goals to improve the quality of life in Tuscaloosa. Among others, we also raised awareness for two of our biggest projects (among others): the creation of Sassafras Park and our grassroots effort promote the creation of more bike lanes in town through our Tuscaloosa Bikeability Assessment. Our local WVUA23 did a short piece on the event, which you can see below:
- 2016/12/15 - The following are just a few of the materials translated by my students this semester for several of our community partners, such as Druid City Garden Project, Good Samaritan Clinic and Turning Point. This effort is in accordance to The University of Alabama's interest in Service Learning initiatives. Please note, the materials showcased here are just a small portion of what we work on, as many of our projects are done under NDA or include copyrighted content.
- 2015/12/10 - Here's an excellent narrated presentation made by student Nicole Renshaw for one of my SP 366 Honors by Contract assignments: