Refereed conference papers
- (2023, November). “Inseguridades patriarcales: jerarquía social, autoridad legal y evasión en el teatro del Siglo de Oro.” Paper presented at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association 95 conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- (2022, October). “Justicia sangrienta: la función literario-legal de la efusión sanguínea en las novelas de María de Zayas.” Paper presented at the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association's 71st Annual Conference, Greenville, South Carolina.
- (2022, March). “Corruption and cleansing: spiritual and bodily sanctions early modern moralistic treatises.” Paper presented at the South Central Renaissance Conference, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
- (2022, January). “Bodily fluids, early modern law and the conflictive nature of a gendered national unit.” Paper presented at the Southern Humanities Council conference, Memphis, Tennessee.
- (2021, October). “Victims and Writers: early modern Spanish women’s multimodal struggle against sexual violence.” Paper presented at the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association's 70th Annual Conference, Greenville, South Carolina.
- (2021, July). “Service-learning in the grammar classroom: fostering diversity, reciprocity and reflection through Spanish translation.” Paper presented at the 103rd American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP) Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- (2020, November). “Don Quijote y los cambios educativos en la sociedad nobiliaria a principios del Siglo XVII en España.” Paper presented at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association 92 conference, digitally via Zoom.
- (2020, October). “Victims and Writers: early modern Spanish women’s multimodal struggle against sexual violence.” Paper selected to be presented at the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Association's 70th Annual Conference, Greenville, South Carolina.
*Postponed to 10/2021 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. - (2020, March). “CBSL in the grammar classroom: reciprocity, reflection & students' relationship with L2” Paper selected to be presented at the Colloquium on World Languages and Cultures at the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain.
*Cancelled on 3/12 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. - (2020, February). “Irreverent sexualities: religion, law and gendered immorality in Early Modern Spain”. Paper presented at the Southern Humanities Council conference, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
- (2019, November). “Questioning the veil of patriarchal order: Cervantes’s paradoxical defense of women”. Paper presented at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association 91 conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- (2019, October). “La palabra poética como herramienta patriarcal: el poder de la voz, el silencio y el género”. Paper presented at the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry conference, Irvine, California.
- (2019, July). “Cuando el honor es insuficiente: supresión de la voz femenina en la trilogía de honor de Calderón de la Barca”. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Conference of the ASPHS, Barcelona, Spain.
- (2019, April). “When honor is not enough: suppression of the feminine voice in Calderón de la Barca’s honor plays”. Paper presented at the South-Central Renaissance Conference, Lubbock, Texas.
- (2018, November). Didacticismo irónico y crítica implícita en las Novelas Ejemplares de Miguel de Cervantes. Paper presented at the SAMLA 90 Conference, Birmingham, Alabama.
- (2018, September). Towards early modern female independence: authority, self-representation and amalgamation of the masculine and feminine. Paper presented at the AEGS Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- (2018, April). Converging gender identities: the conflictive early modern masculine persona. Paper presented at the 49th Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies Conference, Portland, Oregon.
- (2018, February). Towards a Subversion of Patriarchy: Defying Early Modern Spanish Gender Inequity. Paper presented at the 26th National Association of African-American Studies & Affiliates Conference, Dallas, Texas.
- (2016, September). Masculinidad desplazada: Transgresiones femeninas y autoridad social en Antona García. Paper presented at the Displacement in Language, Literature, and Culture Symposium, Starkville, Mississippi.
- (2016, March). Woman reclaimed: female subversion of Early Modern male violence. Paper to be presented at the Women, Democracy, and the Ideology of Exclusion Conference, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
- (2014, April). Illegitimate masculinities: Sadism and excess in Early Modern Spanish courts. Paper presented at Legalities & Beyond: The (il)legitimations of violence Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- (2014, February). Aggression, sexual narrative and political expectations in Zayas’ storytelling. Paper presented at In Between: The Soundscapes of Culture Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- (2014, January). Imperfect courtiers: Inobservance of courtly male ideals in María de Zayas. Paper presented at the Newberry Library Multidisciplinary Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- (2012, October). Organismos decadentes y cuerpos decrépitos en Imán de Ramón J. Sender. Paper presented at the Mid-America Conference on Hispanic Literature, Lincoln, Nebraska.
- (2012, April). Problemáticas en la transformación de sistemas pictográficos a alfabéticos. Paper presented at Transits, Transition, Revolution Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- (2010, February). Pasado, presente, coexistencia: palimpsesto y espectralidad en Tusquets y Guerín. Paper presented at Interstices & other spaces Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- (2009, June). The Latin American detective: a centrifugal evolution. Paper presented at LASA2009: Rethinking Inequalities Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- (2008, April). Naturaleza e Identidad Femenina en Peregrinaciones de una alma triste. Paper presented at Nuevas Lecturas Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- (2007, April). Exclusion & Segregation of North American slavery in Toni Morrison’s Beloved. Paper presented at Cuerpo y Esclavitud Conference, Bilbao, Spain.
Campus or departmental talks
- (2019, November). “Introduction to Spanish for Health Care Providers”. Invited talk for The University of Alabama Capstone College of Nursing.
- (2018, February). Refashioning Masculinity: gender identity performance and conduct manuals. Paper presented at the University of Alabama Medieval and Early Modern Faculty Brownbag Series.